John Pesutto promise to clean up CFMEU

Ever since the revelations were made on 60-minutes about the CFMEU and the alleged “thuggery” and corruption, the state opposition has been at it as a matter of utmost priority.

Today, the Victorian Liberals and Nationals made a stand on behalf of the communities they represent.

This week in Parliament, the Victorian Liberals and Nationals asked 22 direct, simple questions to Premier Jacinta Allan about the ongoing CFMEU misconduct scandal which has contributed to $40 billion in major project cost blowouts under Labor.

They tell their side of the story in a statement released today:

Not a single question was answered.

As Premier Allan continued to refuse to answer questions being asked on behalf of Victorians in Question Time, Liberal and Nationals MPs left Parliament in protest.

Every Victorian is paying the price for Labor’s close and inappropriate relationship with the CFMEU.

While the Labor Party collects millions in donations, the rotten Big Build continues to spiral out of control with budget over-runs now costing Victorians more than $40 billion.

Also read: Libs and Nats ask for Royal Commission into CFMEU conduct
Labor and crossbench allies vote down CFMEU inquiry

Earlier, Labor and its crossbench allies voted down a motion to set up a Parliamentary inquiry into allegations of corruption and misconduct by the construction division of the CFMEU.

Premier Jacinta Allan, who vowed to pull the corruption from its roots, refused to set up Royal Commission into the conduct of CFMEU and its culture of kickbacks and corruption.

A motion by the Liberals and Nationals to set up a Select Committee to inquire and report on the allegations has been defeated. The opposition claims that would’ve prevented organised criminals from being employed on taxpayer funded major projects.

The Opposition also says it will establish Construction Enforcement Victoria to enforce a reinstated Code of Practice for the Building and Construction industry.

Leader of the Opposition, John Pesutto, said: “By voting down this inquiry, Premier Jacinta Allan has yet again failed a test of leadership as she continues to protect the CFMEU from any real scrutiny. Only a government I lead will take strong action and reinstate a Code of Practice for the Building and Construction industry, overseen by an independent watchdog.

“Victorians need confidence that construction sites aren’t hives of illegal and thuggish behaviour and they deserve to know why they are paying over $40 billion in cost blowouts across major projects.”

No relief in sight: IBAC declines to investigate CFMEU misconduct

A request to investigate the involvement of the CFMEU in corrupt procurement processes across the Big Build was sent by the Liberals and Nationals to the Acting IBAC Commissioner on 27 April 2023.

According to the state Opposition, it took IBAC 14 months to reject this request, and after apologising for the delay, said that “in relation to the allegation about the activities of the CFMEU, this allegation does not have sufficient basis to meet the IBAC threshold to engage our suspected corrupt conduct jurisdiction”.

In light of the latest revelations and the alleged corrupt conduct, Liberal Member for Southern Metropolitan Region, David Davis, says now IBAC must open the investigation it refused earlier.

“Cost blowouts on major projects under then Transport Infrastructure Minister and now Premier, Jacinta Allan have hit $40 billion”, Mr Davis said.

The Opposition is also calling on the government ministers who had received complaints much before the 60-minute investigation to come clean and give evidence on the CFMEU conduct.

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